Plants of the Season - December

This section is to act as a guide of when interest or certain features of a plant are generally expected and is based on our research and observations in the garden.

This may vary by region and from year to year. Unusual or extreme weather and/or differences in climate may cause a plant to grow or flower in an unexpected manner.

January February March April May June July August September October November December
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Berberis panlanensis
'Cally Rose'
Camellia japonica
'Nuccio's Gem'
Cryptomeria japonica
Japanese Cedar 'Elegans'
Ageratina ligustrina
Privet-leaved Ageratina
Helleborus lividus
'White Marble'
Majorcan Hellebore 'White Marble'
Miscanthus nepalensis
Himalayan Fairy Grass
Pileostegia viburnoides
Ribes laurifolium
'Mrs Amy Doncaster'
Laurel-leaved Currant 'Mrs Amy Doncaster'