Aucuba omeiensis
(Chinese Laurel)

Family - Garryaceae
Category - Shrub
Origin - China
Discovered By - Introduced by Roy Lancaster
Year of Introduction - 1980
Season of Interest - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Hardiness - H4, possibly hardier
Height - 6m
Width - 4m or more
Location - The Stumpery

Description: A large, Evergreen Shrub with a dense, rounded outline. Leathery, grey-green to dark green leaves are Elliptic to oval in shape and have coarsely toothed margins. Small, yellow-green flowers with four petals are held in short panicles and produced from late winter into early spring. Male and female flowers are produced on separate plants (Dioecious). The female flowers (if pollinated by a male) will be followed by cylindrical berries that will slowly deepen to red with age. Aucuba omeiensis is usually grown as a foliage plant.

Rare in cultivation.

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Small, yellow-green flowers have four petals and are held in short panicles. Dioecious (male and female flowers are held on separate plants). The blooms are produced in February and March and the flowers on female plants (if pollinated by a male) are followed by cylindrical fruit that slowly turns deep red with age.

Flower colour: Yellow, green

Flower shape: 4-petalled flowers in panicles

Flowering time: February, March


Grey-green to dark green, Elliptic to oval leaves have Dentate margins and a leathery texture. The leaves can ultimately reach to 30cm or more in length. The leaves are held in opposite pairs on the branches.

Foliage Senescence: Evergreen

Foliage Shape: Elliptic to oval


Cuttings, seed.


Best in a sheltered position in partial shade or shade in fertile moisture-retentive soil that is well-drained.