Purple, daisy-like dahlia flowers are composed of an outer ring of large, flat, pale violet ray florets (petals) and an inner cluster of smaller, reddish-violet tubular florets. Each flowerhead can reach 10cm across. The flowerheads are held singly atop upright stems and are produced over a long period from July through late October, or until hit by hard frosts.
Flower colour: Purple
Flower shape: Anemone-flowered dahlia flowers held singly
Flowering time: July, August, September, October
Mid to dark green pinnate leaves have ovate to oval leaflets with Dentate margins. The leaves are held in opposite pairs on hollow, upright stems.
Foliage Senescence: Deciduous
Foliage Shape: Pinnate with ovate to oval leaflets
Plant Breeder's Rights (PBR). Unlicensed propagation for sale is prohibited.
Best in full sun in fertile, moisture-retentive soil that is well-drained. Store in a frost-free location over winter.