Arisaema engleri

Family - Araceae
Category - Perennial
Origin - China
Season of Interest - Spring
Hardiness - H4
Height - 45cm
Width - 30cm
Location - The Woodland Walk

Description: A bulbous Perennial with upright stems and a candelabra-like shape. The attractive, mid-green leaves are palmate with ovate to oval leaflets. The pitcher-shaped flowers are composed of a nearly black spathe with white stripes that surrounds and folds over the central white spadix. There is also a green form in cultivation, the spathe being green striped with white. The inflorescence is held atop an upright stem and produced from mid to late spring. The foliage will die back during the summer.

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The inflorescence are composed of a spathe and spadix. The white spadix is surrounded by a deep purple-black spathe with white stripes. The spathe forms a tube around the spadix and folds over at the top. The flowers are produced from April to May. There is a rare, green-flowered form (with a green and white spathe) in cultivation.

Flower colour: White, black, rarely green

Flower shape: Spathe and spadix

Flowering time: April, May


Attractive, bright green palmate leaves have 5-7 ovate to oval leaflets. The leaves are held atop upright stems that are held at the base of the plant. The foliage dies back over the summer months.

Foliage Senescence: Deciduous

Foliage Shape: Palmate with ovate to oval leaflets


Seed, division.


Best in partial shade in acidic, rich, moisture-retentive soil that is well-drained.