Abutilon vitifolium 'Album'

Family - Malvaceae
Category - Shrub
Season of Interest - Spring, Summer
Hardiness - H4
Height - 3m
Width - up to 2.5m
Location - The White Garden

Description: A large, Deciduous Shrub with an upright, bushy habit. Downy, grey-green to mid-green leaves are ovate in outline with 3 to 5 lobes and coarsely toothed margins. Pretty flowers are pure white and saucer-shaped. At the centre of each Bloom is a cluster of long, showy stamens with golden Anthers. The flowers are held in small clusters at the tips of the stems and produced from early spring through the summer.

The species name, vitifolium, is in reference to the grapevine like leaves.

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Clusters of 3-4 pure white, saucer-shaped flowers with pale yellow filaments and golden anthers are produced from May to August. The flowers are most prolific in late spring and early summer.

Flower colour: White

Flower shape: Saucer-shaped flowers in clusters

Flowering time: May, June, July, August


Downy, grey-green to mid-green leaves are ovate in outline with 3-5 lobes and Dentate margins. The leaves are Alternately arranged on felted, upright stems.

Foliage Senescence: Deciduous

Foliage Shape: Ovate, lobed


Cuttings, seed.


Best in a sheltered position in full sun in fertile, moisture-retentive soil that is well-drained.